(Optional) Configuring Universal CMDB to Support HTTPS for the Integration

If you need to enable real-time integration with Universal CMDB using HTTPS, perform one of the following procedures, depending on whether or not the Universal CMDB server already supports HTTPS. Then proceed to the rest steps.

Configuring Universal CMDB if the Server Already Supports HTTPS

If the current Universal CMDB server is already configured to support HTTPS, you can use the existing keystore file directly:

  1. Locate the keystore file.

  2. Locate the certificate in the keystore.

  3. Run the script below to export the certificate:

    keytool -export -alias [Certificate alias name] -keystore <UCMDB_Server_HOME>\UCMDBServer\j2f\EJBContainer\server\mercury\conf\<keystore or certs file name> -file c:\<Certificate alias name>
  4. Import the certificate to the PPM server:

    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias[Certificate alias name] -keystore [keystore or certs file path] -file c:\<Certificate alias name>

Configuring Universal CMDB if the Server Does Not Support HTTPS Yet

If the current Universal CMDB server is not configured to support HTTPS yet, do the following: