
This section contains details about the architecture of the integration.

Data Flow Architecture

  1. The Push Engine executes the TQL query.
  2. For a differential flow, the data is compared to the last synchronized data, and only the changes are forwarded.
  3. Data is converted into Composite CIs (instances of data according to the TQL Root elements).
  4. Data is then pushed to the Push Adapter.
  5. The Push Adapter loads the correct mapping for the specific TQL query.
  6. All dynamic_mappings are executed and saved to maps, to allow usage in the next mapping stage.

    For more information, see Developing Push Adapters in the Universal CMDB Developer Reference Guide.

  7. Data is sent to APM database via REST APIs from APM, where REST APIs converts data to APM compatible data.

Integration TQL Queries

A TQL query used for the integration must contain a root query node.

Any attribute used in the mapping flow of the Push Adapter must be marked in the selected layout of the query node. Each TQL query may only have one mapping.

For more information, see Data Flow Management > Integration > Integration Studio > Integration Studio User Interface > Integration Jobs Pane.