Adding Workflow Scripts into ALM Defects or Requirements

  1. Log on to ALM Client as administrator.
  2. From the menu bar, select Tools > Customize > Workflow > Script Editor. The Script Editor opens.

    If you want to add workflow scripts into ALM defects, proceed to step 3.

    If you want to add workflow scripts into ALM requirements, proceed to step 4.

  3. From the navigation pane, select Defects module script, then go to the last script of this category: Bug_AfterPost, copy and append the content of add_defect_script.txt to the end of the scrip in the editing pane.

    Note: To obtain the add defect script.txt, go to KM00630244 and click workflow scripts to download the zip package.

  4. From the navigation pane, select Requirements module script, go to the last script of this category: Bug_AfterPost, copy and append the content of add requirement script.txt to the end of the script in the editing pane.

    Note: To obtain the add requirement script.txt, go to KM00630244 and click workflow scripts to download the zip package.

  5. Click Save.