ALM - Change Review and Approval Sub WF Subworkflow

The ALM - Change Review and Approval Sub WF subworkflow provides a modular review and approval process for the RFC. Figure 3-6 shows the subworkflow. Table 3-4 lists the important steps in the subworkflow and the user roles associated with those steps.

Figure 3-6. ALM - Change Review and Approval Sub WF subworkflow

Table 3-4. ALM - Change Review and Approval Sub WF subworkflow steps


User Security


1. Categorize Change

ALM - Change Manager

Categorize the change to determine the next step in the workflow.

2. Create Project Proposal

ALM - CAB group (Change Advisory Board)

If the change is classified as "Major," create a project proposal that includes impact.

3. IT Executive Board

ALM - IT Executive Board

If the change is classified as "Major," an IT Executive Board is responsible for approving the change.

4. Impact & Resource Assessment Sub WF


If the change is classified as "Significant," call a subworkflow to determine the impact on dependent infrastructure components and estimate the time and cost of resources, as described in ALM - Impact & Resource Assessment Sub WF Subworkflow.

5. CAB approval

ALM - CAB group (Change Advisory Board)

Iterative review by CAB members, resulting in an authorization go/no go decision (includes change priority, schedule, impact, and cost).

6. Standard Sub WF


Call a subworkflow to track standard changes.