Installation and upgrade

This section provides information about installing and upgrading PPM.

Install and upgrade PPM

The installation and upgrade include the following tasks:

  • Install PPM with Oracle
  • Install PPM with PostgreSQL
  • Install PPM on the cloud
  • Upgrade PPM

For details, see Installation and Upgrade .

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PostgreSQL database support

Starting from version 24.2, PostgreSQL database is officially supported for PPM fresh installations.

Note: The official support does not cover environments migrated from Oracle databases.

This section lists the features that are supported and not yet supported when running PPM with a PostgreSQL database.

Supported modules, special commands, and reports

Area Details
  • Demand Management

  • Project Management

  • Program Management

  • Time Management

  • Portfolio Management

  • Resource Management

  • Financial Management

  • Team Management

  • User Administration

  • Dashboard

  • Integration with Jira (applicable to 24.2 and later versions)

  • Integration with ALM Octane (applicable to 24.2 and later versions)

Special commands
  • ksc_comment

  • ksc_create_baseline

  • ksc_create_project

  • ksc_run_sql

  • ksc_set

  • ksc_set_staffing_profile_status

  • ksc_take_snapshot

  • ksc_update_program_status

  • ksc_update_project_status

  • ksc_update_workplan_status

  • ksc_create_baseline_staffing_profile

  • ksc_copy_request

  • ksc_create_workplan (applicable to 24.2 and later versions)

  • Import Users

  • Request Detail Report

  • Notification History Report

  • Run License Usage Report

  • Time Sheet Summary Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Request Type Detail Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Time Sheet Details Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Work Allocation Details Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Actual Time Summary Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Project Status List Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Project Cost Breakdown Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Delinquent Time Sheet Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

  • Run Field Security Denormalization Report (applicable to 24.3 and later versions)

DMS solution

Only support PPM Center File System

Unsupported modules, special commands, and reports

Area Details
  • Application Portfolio Management
  • Deployment Management
  • PPM for Mobile
  • Operational Reporting
  • Chatbot
  • MSP Plugin
  • Integration with Quality Center / Application Lifecycle Management
  • Integration with Universal CMDB
  • Integration with Service Manager
  • Integration with CARally
  • Integration with VersionOne
  • Integration with ServiceNow
  • Integration with Microsoft Azure DevOps
Preconfigured portlets
  • Project Current Cost Metrics

  • Financial Summary to Financial Data Comparison

  • Financial Comparison

  • Operational Report

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