Parameter Format

Object type custom fields, request type custom fields, request header type fields, work plan fields, and workflow parameters use the following parameter format for tokens:




Represents the name of the entity that uses a custom field. For values, see Table 4-1. Entities.


Represents the type of user data being referenced.


  • P for an entity that is referenced and hidden

  • VP for an entity that is visible


Represents the name of the token for the specific parameter field.

For example, suppose a field for an object type named Gap Number is been generated for use on package lines. In the default format, the token would be:


PKGL is the prefix, because the package lines entity is referenced, P indicates that parameters are referenced, and GAP_NUMBER is the token name.

Custom fields store both a hidden and visible value. For example, if the field uses the validation KNTA - Usernames - All, the hidden value is the user ID and the displayed value is the username. The previous syntax references the hidden value only.

Caution: Do not use words "APPLICATION" and "APPLICATION_CODE" as token for custom fields in any request type. PPM reserves these two words for internal use. Therefore, you may experience issues if you use either of the words as token for any custom field.

Note: Drop-down lists and auto-completes may have different hidden and displayed values. For all other validations, the hidden and displayed values are identical.