Sub-Entity Format

Some entities have sub-entities that can be referenced. In the rare case that you need to, you can reference specific sub-entities using the explicit entity syntax

To see a list of sub-entities for an entity, in the Token Builder window, click the plus character (+) next to the entity. To reference a token from a sub-entity, in the context of a parent entity, use the following syntax:




Represents the name of the entity. For values, see Table 4-1. Entities.


Represents the name of the sub-entity. For values, see Table 4-1. Entities.


Represents the name of the token for the specific field.

For example, to reference the step name of the workflow step in the current context, both of the following tokens have the same meaning:


To reference the step name of the first workflow step for the current workflow, use the following token:


By not using the explicit entity format for the workflow entity, the token indicates that the workflow in the current context should be used. But by using the explicit entity format for the workflow step entity, the current context is overridden and a specific workflow step is referenced.

To reference the step name of the first workflow step in a workflow whose name is 'my workflow,' use the following token:


With this token, the current context for the workflow and the workflow step are overridden.