Environment and Environment Application Tokens

Tokens for the environments and environment application entities can have many different forms depending on the information to be referenced. During object type command execution, there is generally a source and a destination environment. The following example shows token prefixes SOURCE_ENV and DEST_ENV used to reference the current source and destination:


You can use a general ENV prefix in the explicit entity format to reference specific environments, as shown in the following example:


During normal environment token evaluation, the evaluation engine first evaluates the app code on the package line (if one is specified). If the corresponding app code token has a value, then the value is used. Otherwise, if no app code was specified or the app code token has no value, the corresponding base environment information is used.

To override the normal environment token evaluation and only evaluate the environment information (without first checking for the app code), construct the SOURCE_ENV and DEST_ENV tokens as shown in the following examples:


The evaluation engine can be instructed to look only at the app code information (without checking the base environment information if the app code token has no value). Construct the SOURCE_ENV and DEST_ENV tokens as shown in the following example:


You can only use the prefix APP in the sub-entity format. For example, the following token is invalid because a context environment that includes the app code has not been specified.


You can use the explicit entity format with the app code entity to reference a specific app code, as shown in the following examples:


For example, suppose objects are migrated on a package line at a given workflow step, and the line uses the app code HR. The workflow step has QA as the source environment, and Prod as the destination environment. Table 4-2. Sample environment and application attributes shows other attributes of the environments and applications.

Table 4-2. Sample environment and application attributes


App Code

Server Base Paths


















no value

Table 4-3. Sample environment tokens lists some sample tokens and the evaluation of each within the sample environment.

Table 4-3. Sample environment tokens














no value



Note: If PPM Extensions are installed, there are more environment tokens with the prefix `AC.' For information about these tokens, see the documentation for the PPM Extensions.