Correcting Failures

When a user is successfully imported, information stored in the interface tables is not deleted, and no additional action is required. It is possible to view and process the user with the standard interface.

For users that fail to import, you should:

  1. Examine the audit report from the open interface report.

  2. Identify the failed records and the specific reasons for each failure.

  3. (Optional) Depending on the reasons, correct the problem as necessary.

Failures may be due to:

  • A mapping problem between the source data and existing data in PPM.

  • Missing information that cannot be defaulted.

    For example, users require a username. If the username columns are left blank for records in the user interface table, the records fail validation. To correct this, the custom program or procedure that inserts records into the interface table needs to be modified to include this required data.

  • A large volume of data being imported. If you suspect that this is the problem, confirm this hypothesis by importing a smaller number of records, then checking to see if the error message persists.

  • Note: During the initial implementation of the open interface, the mapping between the third-party source and PPM should be thoroughly reviewed and the load programs thoroughly tested in a testing instance.

    It is good practice to monitor executions of the open interface and periodically monitor the import of desired data into PPM.