Step 2: Start the Import

To import data from the interface tables, the Import Requests report is used.

The Import Requests report:

  • Queries the KCRT_REQUESTS_INT interface table for active records matching the given selection criteria.

  • Defaults any information that has defaulting rules in Demand Management but has not been specified in the interface table records. For example, if the REQUEST_ID column is left blank, it is defaulted from a sequence.

  • Validates request header and detail data for both referential and data integrity. This validation is based on the logic used when entering or updating data through the standard interface. Information in User Data fields is not validated.

  • Imports validated requests into the Demand Management request tables. Partial imports are not allowed. Requests with one or more failed fields will not be imported.

  • Moves the request to the appropriate request status and moves the request to the first workflow step corresponding to the specific request status, if indicated.

  • Reports on the results of the execution, listing the specified requests that failed validation and the specific validation errors they encountered.

To run the Import Requests report:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Open > Reports > Create Report.

    The Submit New Report page appears.

  3. Select Administrative from the Report Category.

    The page is updated showing the list of administrative reports.

  4. Select Import Requests.

    The Submit Report: Import Request window appears.

  5. Complete the fields, as described in the following table.

    Required fields are denoted with a red asterisk next to the field on the screen. Depending on your selections, the required fields may vary.

    Field Name


    Group Id

    Specifies the group ID for which the interface program should be run. The interface program will only look for records with this value in the GROUP_ID column. This is useful when importing a batch of Requests.

    Run Import

    • If set to Yes. Indicates that the program will process the records in the interface table and try to import them.

    • If set to No. Indicates that the program will simply report on the records in the interface table. This option is useful when auditing prior executions of the open interface.

    Show Successful Transactions

    Indicates whether or not to show requests that were successfully imported.

    Source Code

    Indicates whether or not to set the SOURCE_CODE column of the final requests created with a free-form text code. This is used as an indicator of how the request was created for auditing or testing purposes.

  6. (Optional) To test the process, set the Run Import field to No.