Synchronization messages

Table B-1. RML synchronization messages lists and describes the possible RML synchronization messages.

Table B-1. RML synchronization messages

Message ID

Display Text




No description available for this view. View description is not provided in template

The template file for the specified RML view does not contain a description. (For OpenText-supplied templates, this should never occur.)

RML view templates are stored on the PPM Server file system in the $knta_home/rml/templates directory. Edit the template file with a text editor and add the text "[VIEW_DESCRIPTION = ]" to the template header.


Could not determine context type for Meta Layer view template file

None of [VIEW_NAME_PREFIX] and [STATIC_VIEW_NAME] is specified in the template.

Specify [STATIC_VIEW_NAME] for a template with static context or specify [VIEW_NAME_PREFIX] for a template with dynamic context.


Could not determine Meta Layer view name. <ViewName>

Either the system could not find the corresponding parameter set or the Meta Layer view name root is not specified.

Make sure the "Meta Layer View" field is completed for the corresponding Request Type, Object Type, or User Data.


Fail to create comment for

DDL statement:

The system grant is granted to the base PPM schema at the time of installation and upgrade.

Varies depending on what is causing the particular issue.


View ID is not returned after assessment.

Internal error. An unexpected error occurred.

Contact Software Support to report the problem.


"Create or replace view..." statement failed.

The SQL statement to create an RML view failed.

Examine the Oracle error. There may be several reasons why the SQL statement would fail. Perhaps the original SQL specified in the RML template has syntax errors, or some parameters in the SQL were either missing or resulted in an invalid SQL statement.


Oracle error when dropping view

The specified view could not be dropped.

Examine the Oracle error to determine why the view could not be dropped, and consult the DBA for the PPM database to help fix the problem.


The configuration that corresponds to PARAMETER_SET_CONTEXT_ID =
<entityID> no longer exists.

Either a request type, object type, or context-sensitive user data field set has been deleted.

The corresponding view will be dropped from the RML.


A new RML view template,
<TemplateName>, was found.

The specified new RML view template was found in the $knta_home/rml/templates directory on the PPM Server.

New RML views will be generated based on this template.


Custom field definitions were updated since the last RML synchronization.

Modifications to the custom field definitions for the corresponding request type, object type, or user data field set were made since the last RML synchronization event.

The associated RML views will be updated with the current field information.


View name changed from
<OldViewName> to
<NewViewName> since the last synchronization.

The RML view name was changed from <OldViewName> to <NewViewName> since the last synchronization.

The corresponding view will be recreated with the new name.


A new configuration with PARAMETER_SET_CONTEXT_ID =
<fieldSet> was found for the template.

Since the last synchronization, a new request type, object type, or context-sensitive user data field set was created.

A corresponding view will be generated in the RML.


User has requested to drop view <ViewName> from the RML.

User has requested to drop the specified view from the RML.

View will be dropped.


User requested to drop all RML views generated from template

User has requested to drop the template from the RML.

All RML views generated from the template will be dropped.


Duplicate view name. The RML view name

<ViewName> you have specified for
<EntityID1> conflicts with the name of the existing RML view for
<EntityID2>. Please choose another name for the view.

The same RML view name has been specified for multiple request types, object types, or context-sensitive user data field sets.

Update one of the entities with the duplicate RML view name and change it to a unique name.


Cannot change the view name for built-in static context template
<TemplateName>. Please restore the original view name

The static view names defined in RML view templates that come with PPM cannot be changed.

Restore the original view name <ViewName>.


Driving context changed for template
<TemplateName>. It is not allowed to change driving context set for PPM built-in template. Please restore original template. Original driving context set is

Some unsupported customization has been done for the name template.

Be sure to undo those changes.


Cannot change view name prefix to
<NewViewPrefix> for built-in template
<TemplateName>. Please restore original [VIEW_NAME_PREFIX=

The Token [VIEW_NAME_PREFIX=...] must be defined for specific entity-based RML view templates. The definition is not allowed to change for those view templates that come with PPM.

Restore the view to the original.


Driving context changed from <OldContext> to <NewContext> for template
<TemplateName>. Cannot continue assessment. To change driving context set for the template, you must drop the template first and then
re-assess the template.

For specific entity-based RML view templates, [DRIVING_PARAMETER_SET = parameter_set_id] is specified.

Drop the template and synchronize again to make the change take effect.


Cannot find view
<ViewName> to drop; no action taken.

The RML view to drop does not exist.

No action was taken during RML synchronization; the view was previously dropped.


Drop operation complete.

The operation requested by the user to drop specific RML views has been completed.

No action needed.


Since the last RML synchronization there have been some configuration changes that impact views generated from template <TemplateName>.

Several types of configuration events since the last RML synchronization could lead to this message: A new request type, object type, or context-sensitive user data field set was created; a field definition was added, modified, or removed in an existing request type, object type, or user data field set; a request type, object type, or context-sensitive user data field set was deleted.

Impacted views will be dropped and recreated, as applicable.


Dependent context sets changed for template
<TemplateName>. Could not continue process. To make this kind of change, the template must be dropped and re-assessed.

All RML templates that have custom data fields in them have associated contexts. Any changes to the dependent contexts invalidate all views and the templates that have previously been assessed or synchronized.

Perform a drop operation on the name template and synchronize the template again.


A new RML view will be generated for the template

The RML view for the specified template did not exist prior to this synchronization.

The view will be created during the RML synchronization.


Existing view name is restored:
<ExistingView Name>.

The operation requested by the user to restore a specific RML view has been completed.

View will be restored.


Another RML assessment or synchronization process is already running. There can be only one RML assessment or synchronization process running at the same time.

Another RML assessment or synchronization process is running at the same time this one was submitted.

Try again later.


Meta Layer Synchronization Process can only run from the original report type
<reporttype>. Currently running report type is

Incorrect report type.

Rerun the synchronization process from the correct report type.


No Change Detected.

The view or template specified for synchronization was not updated, because it is already up-to-date.

No further action is needed.


The RML view name is not defined for <EntityType> <EntityID>.

All configurations that drive a dynamic RML view (request types, object types, and context-sensitive user data field sets) must have an RML view name specified. This one did not.

Specify an RML view name for the corresponding configuration.


Value <ViewName> is too long for [VIEW_NAME] in template
<TemplateName>. Value for [VIEW_NAME] must be no more than 30 characters.

The length of the supplied RML view name was too long.

Shorten the value of the RML view name to less than 30 characters.


Value <ViewName> is too long for [VIEW_NAME_PREFIX] in template
<TemplateName>. Value for [VIEW_NAME_PREFIX] must be no more than 10 characters.

The view name prefix cannot be more than 10 characters long.

Change the length of the view name prefix.


Could not resolve driving parameter set context id in template <TemplateName>. Please verify the template.

The RML system could not resolve the specific entity on which the name template is based.

Contact Software Support to report the problem.


The RML view name
<ViewName> specified for <EntityType> <EntityID> conflicts with the name of another RML view that is either currently pending to be dropped, or was supposed to have been dropped but failed.

The RML synchronization is attempting to create a new view with the same name as an existing view that should have been dropped.

Make sure the existing view <ViewName> has been successfully dropped before trying to create the new one.


No views will be generated as no driving contexts were resolved for the template

The specified template will generate a view for each configuration instance (request type, object type, or user data field set), but no configurations were found for the template.

Verify that the driving contexts were correct. If they were, no further action is needed. Otherwise, provide the revised driving contexts.


The Meta Layer view name
<ViewName> you have specified for <EntityType>
<EntityID> conflicts with the name of another Meta Layer view that was previously synchronized, but was not successfully created. To clean up from the previous failed synchronization, please run a Meta Layer Synchronization report to explicitly drop the view <ViewName> before trying to create the new one.

An error occurred during a previous run of the synchronization report.

Drop the view.


The Meta Layer view name
<ViewName> you have specified for <EntityType>
<EntityID> conflicts with the name of another Meta Layer view that was previously synchronized, but was not successfully replaced. To clean up from the previous failed synchronization, please run a Meta Layer Synchronization report to explicitly drop the view <ViewName> before trying to create the new one.

A failed synchronization has caused a conflict in view names.

Drop the views causing the problem.


The Meta Layer view name
<ViewName> you have specified for <EntityType>
<EntityID> conflicts with one of the reserved Meta Layer views. Please choose another name for the view.

Conflicting value specified.

Choose a different name for the new Reporting Meta Layer View.


The Meta Layer view name
<ViewName> you have specified for <EntityType>
<EntityID> conflicts with the name of an existing Meta Layer view for Request User Data. Please choose another name for the view.

Conflicting value specified.

Choose a different name for the new Reporting Meta Layer View.


Template parse error: Unable to parse multi-value-expandable token. No value provided for multi-value variable:

RML parser cannot locate the values for the specified multi-value-variable when it parses a multi-value-expandable token.

Make sure the multi-value-variable is defined in the template and values are properly assigned to the variable.


'=' is missing for multi-value-assignment token.

Multi-value-assignment token has the following syntax:


where {sql query} can contain additional global assignment tokens.

Fix the syntax of the token.


Missing multi-value variable 'VAR' for Multi-value expandable token.

Missing value.

Fix the syntax of the token.


Missing divider 'DIVIDER' for Multi-value expandable token.

Missing value.

Fix the syntax of the token.