Notification History Report

The Notification History report provides information about notifications that were sent or are pending. It contains information such as the following:

  • Notification date

  • Entity type

  • Subject of the notification

  • Sent and reminder flags

To run the Notification History report, you must have the Configuration license.

Table 3-4. Notification History report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Trigger Date From

Select the starting date. The report includes notifications triggered on or after this date.

Trigger Date To

Select the ending date. The report includes notifications triggered on or before this date.

*Unsent Notifications Only

Option to show only unsent notifications.

Sent on Date From

Select the starting date. The report includes notifications sent on or after this date.

Sent on Date To

Select the ending date. The report includes notifications sent on or before this date.

Type of Notification Parent

Select one of the following parent types:

  • Request

  • Package

  • Project

  • Module

For a Specific Parent

Select a parent entity from the entities available on your PPM instance.


Select a workflow from the workflows available on your PPM instance.

Workflow Step

Select a particular workflow step associated with Workflow.

Email Subject Line Contains

Email subject line. Type any alphanumeric string (200 characters maximum).

Sent to Email Address

Email address of recipient. Type any alphanumeric string (200 characters maximum).

Sent to User

Specify the user from the users available on your PPM instance.

Report Title

Type a unique report title (200 characters maximum).