Overview Section Detail Report

The Overview Section Detail report provides information about a portlet or range of portlets. It lists the portlet columns, as well as the SQL query that the portlet uses to retrieve data from the system. You can configure the report to include portlet filter fields and security configuration.

To run the Overview Section Detail report, you must have the Configuration license.

Table 3-6. Overview Section Detail report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Overview Section From

Select the starting overview section. The report will include only overview sections whose name is equal to or greater than this value for those portlets available on your PPM instance.

Overview Section To

Select the ending overview section. The report will include only overview sections whose name is equal to or less than this value for those portlets available on your PPM instance.

*Show Columns

Option to show columns and their details.

*Show Filter Fields

Option to show filter fields.

*Show Full Query

Option to show the full query.

*Show User Access

Option to show the detailed security access rules.

*Show Overview Section URL

Option to show the URL for the overview sections.

*Show Used By

Option to show what users rely on these overview pages.

*Show Help Content

Option to show the help content.