Request Header Type Detail Report

The Request Header Type Detail report lists detailed definitional information for request header types. You can use this report to audit request header definitions, and to help debug problems with requests that use a given request header type. The report also displays information about the filters selected for the Assigned To, Assigned To Group, and Contacts fields.

To run the Request Header Type Detail report, you must have the Configuration license.

Table 3-10. Request Header Type Detail report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Request Header Type From

Select the starting request header type. The report will include only request header types whose names are equal to or greater than this value for those request header types available on your PPM instance.

Request Header Type To

Select the ending request header type. The report will include only request header types whose names are equal to or less than this value for those request header types available on your PPM instance.

*Show Filters

Option to show information about field filters.