Workflow Detail Report

This report provides detailed configuration information about specific workflows or sets of workflows. Information includes all steps in the workflow, all transitions in and out of each workflow step, possible results of each step, and all notifications attached to the workflow.

Tip: Use this report both as an audit of the workflow business process definition, as well as a tool to analyze those business processes.

To run the Workflow Detail report, you must have a Configuration license.

Table 3-21. Workflow Detail report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Workflow From

Select the starting workflow. The report will include only workflows whose names are equal to or greater than this value for those workflows that are available on your PPM instance.

Workflow To

Select the ending workflow. The report will include only workflows whose names are equal to or less than this value for those workflows that are available on your PPM instance.

*Show Valid Results

Option to show the valid result values for each workflow step.

*Show Transitions

Option to show the transitions in and out of each workflow step.

*Show Security

Option to show the security groups that have access to act on each workflow step.

*Show Notifications

Option to show the notifications attached to each workflow step.

*Show User Data

Option to show the user data custom fields.

*Show Subworkflows

Option to show subworkflows.

*Show Workflow Step Commands

Option to show the workflow step commands if a step is a command execution step.

*Expand Special Commands

Option to expand user-defined special commands.

*Show Filters

Option to show information about field filtering for Deployment Management header fields.