Workflow Statistics Report

Given a date range and a workflow (or a range of workflows), this report provides statistical information regarding workflow usage—for example:

  • How many times the workflow was used compared to the total number of packages or requests

  • Average, minimum, and maximum completion time for packages/requests using this workflow within the date range

  • For each workflow step, the percentage that the step is traversed of the total packages/requests within that workflow

  • For each workflow step, the average, minimum, and maximum completion times

  • For each workflow step, the breakdown of the results and transitions that lead out of the step

To run the Workflow Statistics report, you must have a Configuration license.

Table 3-22. Workflow Statistics report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


*Txn Start Date

Select the starting date. The report will include only transactions started on or after this date.

*Txn End Date

Select the ending date. The report will include only transactions started on or before this date.

*Workflow Scope

Select a scope from the workflow scopes available on your PPM instance.

Workflow From

Select the starting workflow. The report will include only workflows whose names are equal to or greater than this value for those workflows that are available on your PPM instance.

Workflow To

Select the ending workflow. The report will include only workflows whose names are equal to or less than this value for those workflows that are available on your PPM instance.

*Show Steps

Option to show the statistical analysis for individual workflow steps.

*Show Transitions

Option to show the statistical analysis of the transaction history for each workflow.