Distribution Detail Report

The Distribution Detail report lists the contents and results of a distribution. The collected information provides a high-level view of a distribution, and can be useful in analyzing execution results.

To run the Distribution Detail report, you must have a Deployment Management license.

Table 4-5. Distribution Detail report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


Distribution From

Select the starting distribution. The report will include only distributions whose names are equal to or greater than this value for those distributions that are available on your PPM instance.

Distribution To

Select the ending distribution. The report will include only distributions whose names are equal to or less than this value for those distributions that are available on your PPM instance.


Select a release from the product releases available on your PPM instance.

Transaction Date From

Select the starting date. The report will include only transactions started on or after this date.

Transaction Date To

Type a valid end date. The report will include only transactions started on or before this date.

*Include Closed Distributions

Option to include closed distributions.

*Show Package level Subworkflow Steps

Option to show subworkflow steps at the package level.

*Order By

Select one of the following sort criteria:

  • Distribution Name

  • Release