Environment Group Detail Report

The Environment Group Detail report contains information about the specified environment groups. Users can specify a range of environment groups using the Environment Group From and Environment Group To fields. The report output includes the following:

  • Header information on an environment group

  • Constituent environments of the environment group

  • Applications defined for the environment group.

To run the Environment Group Detail report, users must have a Deployment Management license and belong to one or more of the following security groups:

  • PFM - Finance Review Board

  • PFM - IT Steering Committee

  • PFM - Standards Committee

  • PPM 6.0 Upgrade Workbench Access

  • PPM Administrator

  • PPM All Access Grants

  • PPM Billing Manager

  • PPM Cost Manager

  • PPM Demand Management Administrator

  • PPM Demand Manager

  • PPM Deployment Management Administrator

  • PPM Program Manager

  • PPM Project Manager

  • PPM Resource Manager

  • PPM Service Security Group

  • PPM Team Manager

  • PPM Time Administrator

  • PPM Time Manager

  • PPM User

  • PPM User Admin

Table 4-9. Environment Group Detail report field descriptions

Field Name


Environment Group From

Select the starting environment group. The report will include only environment groups whose names are equal to or greater than this value for those environment groups available on your PPM instance.

Environment Group To

Select the ending environment group. The report will include only environment groups whose names are equal to or less than this value for those environment groups available on your PPM instance.