RCS Check Out Report

This is the template of a report used to check files out of the RCS repository (if the RCS file management system is being used).

To run the RCS Check Out report, users must have a Deployment Management license.

Table 4-19. RCS Check Out report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)



Select an associated application from the applications available on your PPM instance.


Select a check-out path. Choices include:

  • forms

  • bin

  • srw

  • scripts

  • sql

  • plsql

*File Name

Specify the name of the file. Type any alphanumeric string (up to 40 characters in length).

Version Label / Revision #

Specify the version label of the file. Type any alphanumeric string (up to 40 characters in length).


Option to lock the checked out file.


Option to select if the checked-out file should be read-only.