Project Cost Details Report

This report shows the cost details for select project work plans, grouped by labor and non-labor, or operating categorizations.

Note: This report also appears in the Financial Management category.

To run the Project Cost Details report, users must have a Project Management license.

Table 6-3. Project Cost Details report field descriptions

Field Name


Project Name

Specify one or more projects from the projects available on your PPM instance.

Project Manager

This will limit the report results to only the selected project managers. Select one or more project managers from the users available on your PPM instance.

Limit Hierarchy Depth to

Specify the level of cost details to show. Type any integer (in the range of 0 to 999,999,999 and without a comma separator). Realistically, however, the range should be from 1 to 10.

A depth of 1 will show costs at the work plan level.

Group costs by Capital and Operating

Option to select if the costs should be grouped as capital and operating. Choices include:

  • Yes. Costs are grouped as capital or operating.

  • No. Costs are grouped as labor and non-labor.

Local Currency

Option to select if the costs should be displayed in local currency or in the PPM system base currency. Choices include:

  • Yes. Costs are displayed in local currency.

  • No. Costs are displayed in the PPM system base currency.