Time Sheet Details Report

This report summarizes multiple time sheets and displays their details. The report displays the following information:

  • Header information

  • Daily time information

  • Line information, for example, work item, actuals-to-date, charge code, activity information, and notes details

To run the Time Sheet Details report, users must have a Time Management license.

Table 7-3. Time Sheet Details report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)


*Period Type

Select a period type from the period types available on your PPM instance.

*Time Period

Select a time period from the time periods available on your PPM instance.

Include Frozen and Closed

Option to include frozen and closed time sheets.


Select one or more resources from the resources available on your PPM instance.

Include Cancelled

Option to include cancelled time sheets.

Resource Group

Select one or more resource groups from the resource groups available on your PPM instance.


Select a status from the statuses available on your PPM instance.

Description Contains

Specify a description filter. Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

Time Sheet #

Specify a time sheet number. Type any numeric value (between 0 and 999,999,999 and without a comma separator).

Report Title

Specify a unique name for the report. Type any alphanumeric string (up to 200 characters in length).

Order By

Select the sort criteria. Choices include:

  • Time Period, followed by Resource

  • Resource, followed by Time Period

Show Time Sheet Notes

Option to show the header notes.

Show Line Notes

Option to show the notes attached to each time sheet line.

Show Charge Codes

Option to show the charge codes.

Show Activity Details

Option to show activity details.

Note: Only the following users can view the detailed work item information in the Time Sheet Details report:

  • The resource of the time sheet

  • The resource's direct manager

  • The time sheet line approver

  • The time sheet billing approver

  • The delegate of one of the users above

The delegate's delegate or the manager's manager cannot view the detailed work item information in the report.