Baseline Comparison Report

This report compares a project's schedule to a baseline or compares two baselines.

To run the Baseline Comparison report, users must have a Project Management license.

Table 6-1. Baseline Comparison report field descriptions

Field Name (*Required)



Select a project from the projects available on your PPM instance.


Select a baseline or work plan for this project from those work plans or baselines available on your PPM instance.


Select another baseline or work plan for this project from the projects or baselines available on your PPM instance.

Show Only Changes

Option to show changes only. Use this when you want to view only the differences between the entities.

Show Only Summary Tasks

Option to show summary tasks only.

Show Start Date Changes

Option to show changes in task start dates.

Show Finish Date Changes

Option to show changes in task finish dates.

Show Duration Changes

Option to show changes in task durations.

Show Effort Changes

Option to show changes in task effort.

Only Indicate Changes Later Than(days)

Specify the number of days that should be ignored. That is, changes smaller than the specified amount will not be shown. Type any integer (in the range of –999 to 9,999 and without a comma separator).

Show Cost Changes For

Select one or more cost categories. Choices include:

  • Planned Labor

  • Planned Non-Labor

  • Planned Cost

  • Planned Capital Cost

  • Planned Operating Cost

Only Indicate Cost Changes Larger Than

Specify the minimum cost changes to report upon.

Type any integer (in the range of –999 to 9,9999 and without a comma separator).

Show Resource Changes

Option to compare tasks having resource changes.

Include Completed Tasks

Option to compare tasks having Completed status.

Include Cancelled Tasks

Option to compare tasks having Cancelled status.