Submitting a Time Sheet

Request: http://<PPM_Server_IP>:<port>/itg/rest/tm/timeSheets/{timeSheetId}/actions/submit


Request Header: Content-Type: application/xml

Description: Submit a time sheet without policy validation.

Request path variables:

Attribute Description
timeSheetId The id of the time sheet

Response Status Code:

  • on success:

    Code Meaning Returned When
    200 Submitted The time sheet is submitted successfully.
  • on failure: The following message codes are returned if the operation fails:

    Message Code

    HTTP Return Code



    Possible Corrective Action



    Internal error

    There was an internal error when you executed this operation.


    PPMC_WSE006 403 The user does not have the access grant to perform this action. The user does not have the required access grant. Get the access grant.
    PPMC_WSE007 403 The user does not have access to this resource. The user has no access to this resource. N/A
    PPMC_WSE510 400 Error when submitting time sheets, for the time sheet does not contain any time sheet line. The time sheet does not have any time sheet lines. Add a time sheet line to the time sheet.
    PPMC_WSE511 400 Error when submitting time sheets, for the status of the time sheet lines are not REWORK or UNSUBMITTED. The time sheet lines status are not correct. Correct the time sheet lines status.
    PPMC_WSE512 400 Error when submitting time sheets, for the time sheet is missing approvers. There is no approver for the time sheet. Appoint an approver for the time sheet.