Migrate to a Windows machine

To migrate the PPM Server to a Windows machine:

  1. Obtain a new license key for the target server, as described in Obtaining a New License Key.

  2. Stop the PPM Server.

    For information on how to stop the server, see Start and stop the PPM Server on a single-server system.

  3. Migrate the PPM file system.

    1. Make a compressed file of the entire <PPM_Home> directory.

    2. Copy the compressed file to the target machine, and then extract the file contents.

  4. Migrate the PPM database schema.

    For information about how to migrate the database schema, see Migrating the Database Schemas.

  5. Reconfigure the PPM Server in the target location.

    1. Open the server.conf file and then make the following updates to the server configuration parameters:

      • Update all parameters that refer to the DNS name or IP address of the old server to instead refer to the DNS name or IP address of the new server.

      • BASE_URL specifies the Web location (top directory name) of the PPM Server.

      • RMI_URL specifies the port on which the PPM Server listens to initiate RMI client/server communication. (This must be a unique port, distinct from the Web server, SQL*Net, and the HTTP or HTTPS ports.)

      • Update all parameters that reference a specific directory on the old server to instead reference the corresponding directory on the new server. These parameters include:

      • ORACLE_HOME specifies the home directory for the Oracle client tools on the PPM Server machine.

      • BASE_PATH specifies the full path to the directory where the PPM Server is installed.

      • ATTACHMENT_DIRNAME specifies the absolute pathname of the directory where attached documents are to be stored. This directory must give read/write access to Web browsers and, if the system includes an external Web server, exist outside the directory tree.

      • SERVER_TYPE_CODE specifies the operating system on which the PPM Server is installed. Because you are placing the server on a computer running Windows, make sure you update the value to Windows.

      • SERVER_NAME specifies the name of the PPM Server instance. If multiple PPM Servers are running on the same machine, this name must be unique for each server. If the server is running Windows, this name must match the name of the Windows service name.

    2. To implement your changes, run the kUpdateHtml.sh script from the <PPM_Home>/bin directory.

  6. Install Oracle client on the PPM Server.

  7. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the directory path where the Oracle client software is installed.

  8. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

  9. Set the PATH to include JAVA_HOME\bin and ORACLE_HOME\bin and make sure that the directory paths contain no spaces.

  10. Make sure that the CLASSPATH environment variable is set and that the directory path contains no spaces.

  11. Start the new nodes, one node at a time.

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