Internationalization List

Typically, in an environment in which you are managing configuration across multiple PPM Servers, all of the PPM databases involved have the same localization settings. However, if you must migrate configuration entities between PPM databases that have different localization settings, you can change the localization-checking behavior of the migrator by changing the value of the Internationalization list.

By default, the Internationalization list is invisible to users on migrator object types. But the control is enabled and set to Same language and character set. To change this setting:

  1. Log on to PPM.

  2. From the menu bar, select Administration > Open Workbench.

    The PPM Workbench opens.

  3. From the shortcut bar, select Deployment Mgmt > Object Types.

    The Object Type Workbench window opens.

  4. Click List.

  5. In the Object Name column on the Results tab, double-click PPM Request Type Migrator.

    The Object Type: PPM Request Type Migrator window opens.

  6. In the Prompt column on the Fields tab, double-click Internationalization.

    The Field: Internationalization window opens.

  7. Click the Default tab.

  8. From the Visible Value list, select one of the following:

    • Same language and character set. This is the default option for migrating entities between PPM instances running under the same language and character set configuration. It is the most conservative option; any difference in locale, language, or character set between the source and destination servers is flagged as an error and the migration fails.

    • Different language or character set. This option lets you override character set or language incompatibilities within the same localization. Use this option if you know that the language or character set settings are different across the source and destination servers, but you want to run the migration anyway and you do not anticipate the differences to cause problems with the entity data you want to migrate. For example, if the destination character set is a superset of the source character set, then you know that data extracted from the source is valid in the destination.

    • Different localization. This option lets you migrate content between instances belonging to different localizations (for example, English to German, or German to English). This is the least restrictive option for migrating configuration data across PPM Servers that have different locale settings. Selecting this value could potentially result in invalid data (unsupported characters, and so on) in the destination instance. Be sure to examine (and possibly update) the migrated entity data to make sure that it is valid in the destination.