Project Type Migrator

You can define project types in a development or testing instance of PPM, and then use the Project Type Migrator to migrate them to production after testing.

Figure 10-10. Project Type Migrator

The Project Type Migrator migrates the following:

  • Header information such as name and enabled flag

  • All policies (including all attributes)

  • References to request types such as projects and issues

If the migrator cannot locate these objects in the destination instance, then it drops the references and writes a warning message into the migrator log file. The migrator report contains information about the resolution (or loss) of each entity association.

Project types are connected to work plan templates, resource pools, project requests, and issue requests. None of these entities are migrated with project types. However, if these entities exist in the destination instance, the connection to them is maintained (the migrators identify entities by name). Because project types are useless without an associated project request, you must either migrate the associated request type first, so that the link to the project type is resolved when you migrate the project type is migrated, or edit the project type after you migrate it.

Note: The Project Type Migrator does not transport secondary objects as dependencies.