Reset your password

If you cannot remember your PPM password, you can reset it and create a new one.

To reset your password:

  1. Prerequisites:

    1. Your administrator has turned on the Enable Reset Password feature toggle.
    2. You must meet the following requirements:

      • You are a PPM authenticated user, and
      • Your PPM account is not expired, and
      • Your username has an email address assigned to it.
  2. In the PPM Login window, click the Forgot Password link.

    You can also open the Forgot Password link from the Change Password page.

  3. Provide your PPM username and the email address assigned to the username.

    Note: If you use ID to log on to PPM, provide the ID instead of the username.

  4. Click Submit.

    PPM sends an email message to the email address assigned to your PPM username. Click the link in the email to set a new password.

  5. After you successfully set a new password, the PPM Login window opens, enabling you to log in using your new password.