Set your landing page

A PPM landing page is the page that welcomes you when you log on to PPM. If allowed by the administrator, you can set your personal landing page, such as the project details page you are currently working on. Therefore, you directly access this page upon login.

Set personal desktop landing page

Set your personal desktop landing pages to ensure direct access to this page upon login.


Your administrator allows you to pick your desktop landing page. For details, see Allow users to pick their desktop landing page.

To set your personal desktop landing page:

  1. Open the PPM page that you want to set as your desktop landing page.

    The page can be a Dashboard page or any other page to which you have the read access.

  2. In the top menu, next to the Add to My Links icon, turn on the Use this page as your landing page switch . This switch is available only when your administrator allows you to pick your desktop landing page.
  3. Click OK to confirm.

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Set personal mobile landing page

Set the landing page for your mobile client.


Your administrator allows you to pick your mobile landing page. For details, see Allow users to pick their mobile landing page (Dashboard pages only) .

To set your personal mobile landing page:

  1. Open the Dashboard page that you want to set as your mobile landing page.

    The Dashboard page can be a private page or a shared page to which you have the read access.

  2. In the top menu, next to the Add to My Links icon, turn on the Use this page as your mobile landing page switch . This switch is available if your administrator allows you to pick your mobile landing page.

  3. Click OK to confirm.

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See also: