Share a request

Share a single request by copying the request link, printing the request, or exporting it to PDF. Share a list of requests by exporting to Excel.

Share a request

Share a single request by copying the request link, printing the request, or exporting it to PDF.

To share a single request:

  1. Open the request to share.

  2. In the upper-right corner, click the More button and then click the appropriate button to copy the request link, print the request, or export it to PDF.

Exporting a request to PDF has the following behaviors:

  • When you export a request with tab layout to PDF, in 24.2 and later versions, you can select the tabs to export. However in 24.1 and earlier, only the Details tab is exported and you cannot modify the exported tabs.
  • The exported file includes visible sections only. Collapsed sections export the title but not the details.

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Export requests to Excel

To export requests to Excel:

  1. From either of the following pages:

    • The Request Search Results page
    • (Available in 24.2 and later versions) The Requests page (accessed from Open > Requests)

      Note: The Requests page is accessible only when the Enable Requests Page feature toggle is turned on.

  2. Click Export to Excel.

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See also: