View audit trail for cost rule, cost factors, cost rate, and cost-related resource attribute changes

The cost rule audit trail, cost factors audit trail, cost rate audit trail, and resource audit trail track modifications made to cost rule, cost factors, cost rate, or cost-related resource attribute changes made through the PPM user interface respectively.

Note: Changes made from Web services are not tracked, thus will not be reflected in the audit trail.

Mass updates to resources from the Search Resources page are not audited either.

View cost rule audit trail

To view cost rule audit trail:

  1. From the menu bar, select Search > Administrative > Cost Rules.
  2. Click Edit next to the rule you want to open.

    The Edit Cost Rule page opens.

  3. Click View Audit Trail in the upper-right corner of the page.

    The Cost Rule Audit Trail window opens.

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View cost factors audit trail

To view cost factors audit trail:

  1. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Financials > Change Cost Factors.

  2. Click View Audit Trail in the lower-right corner of the page.

    The Cost Factors Audit Trail window opens.

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View cost rate audit trail

You can view cost rate audit trail if you set the FM_COST_AUDIT_ENABLE parameter to true in the Administration Console. This parameter is described in the following table.

Parameter Name Description, Usage Default and Valid Values

Flags whether or not to enable audit trail for cost rates that are used to calculate costs.

If you set this parameter to true, you enable the cost rate audit trail.

Default: false

Valid: true, false

When you enable the cost rate audit trail, you can view the audit trail from the following two tables:

  • PPM_FM_COST_AUDIT: This table stores cost audit information, including values of all cost factors that are used in the cost rollup service when finding a rate and corresponding rate history.
  • PPM_FM_COST_AUDIT_RATE: This table stores change history of cost rates that are used to calculate actual cost of tasks.

For details of these two tables, see the Data Model Guide.

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View cost-related resource attribute audit trail

To view cost-related resource attribute audit trail:

  1. From the menu bar, select Search > Administrative > Resources.

  2. From the search result pages, select a resource and click the resource's username link to open the Modify Resource page.

  3. Click View Audit Trail in the lower-right corner of the page.

    The Resource Audit Trail window opens.

    The audit trail events are listed in reverse chronological order.

    Column Name Description
    Date Date and time of the event.
    User User who initiated the event.

    Nature of the event in the audit trail.

    Events that are audited for a cost rule include the following:

    • Create a cost rule
    • Add a cost rate
    • Edit a cost rate

    For a resource, only changes to the following cost-related attributes are tracked: 

    • Resource category

    • Org unit
    • Department
    • Region
    • Role

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