View, add, and edit benefits

The financial summary of an entity records the planned revenue and actual revenue of the entity. This section describes how to view, add, and edit benefits in a financial summary.

In this topic:

Manually-added benefit and roll-up benefit

Benefit lines in a financial summary are either manually added (manually-added benefit) or automatically created by the system (roll-up benefit).

Benefit Where the benefit comes from Editable?
Manually-added benefit

Benefit lines that you manually add in the financial summary.


If a manually-added benefit line includes forecast benefit only, you are allowed to edit and delete the benefit line.

If a manually-added benefit line includes actual benefit, you can edit the benefit line but cannot delete the benefit line.

Roll-up benefit

Applicable to programs only.

Roll-up benefit lines come from the financial summaries of the program's contents.

Your are not allowed to edit roll-up benefit lines.

Tip: Roll-up data in a financial summary cannot be edited directly.

However, if a project in a program is cancelled before the project starts and you do not want any of the project forecasts to be included in the roll-up data, delete the project from the program.

If a project that is underway is closed or cancelled and you do not want future project forecasts to be included in the roll-up data, clear the forecast values for all future months in the financial summary for the project.

View benefit details

Use the View option above the benefit details table to configure to what extent you want to view benefit details.

Option Description
Totals Only

Shows only benefit totals (group totals and period totals) of only forecast benefit or of forecast and actual benefit by period.

How benefit is grouped?

PPM groups benefits by the benefit property "Type". Benefit lines that have the same setting of "Type" are grouped under that type.

For details about benefit properties, see Benefit properties.

<number> Detail Lines

Shows both benefit totals and benefit line details of only forecast benefit or of forecast and actual benefit by period.

Forecast Only Shows only forecast by period, in totals only or in details.
Forecast and Actuals Shows both forecast benefit and actual benefit by period, in totals only or in details.
Months Shows forecast benefit only or forecast and actual benefit for each month, in totals only, or in details.
Quarters Shows forecast benefit only or forecast and actual benefit for each quarter, in totals only, or in details.
Years Shows forecast benefit only or forecast and actual benefit for each year, in totals only, or in details.
Totals Shows totals of forecast benefit only or of forecast and actual benefit over the entire time periods of the financial summary, in totals only, or in details.

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Add benefits

Note: A financial summary should have no more than 300 benefit lines.

To manually add benefits to a financial summary:

  1. Open the financial summary.
  2. In the Benefit Details section, click Add Benefits if no benefit lines exists in the financial summary yet, or click Edit Benefits if there are already existing benefit lines in the financial summary.
  3. In the Edit Benefits page, in the Fiscal Year field, select in which year you want to add benefits.

    The available options in the Fiscal Year field is set by your administrator. For details, see Configure range of fiscal years.

  4. Use the Add Benefit Line or the Copy from Previous Year button to add benefits.

Note: Before PPM 9.62, you can edit the benefits both in local currency and base currency. Since 9.62, if your administrator has turned off the feature toggle "Allowing Users to Edit Costs and Benefits in Base Currency", you can only edit the benefits in local currency.

Add benefit line

Use the Add Benefit Line button to add benefits

  1. Click Add Benefit Line.
  2. Fill in the following fields to specify the benefit properties.

    Field Description

    Benefit type

    Available options are Savings, Revenue, and Avoidance.

    • Hardware, Labor, Maintenance, or Software, if Type is set to Savings.
    • Product or Service, if Type is set to Revenue.
    • Compliance or Legal, if Type is set to Avoidance.
    User data User data fields for benefit lines are available only when your administrator added user data fields by using the user data type "Benefit Line User Data".
  3. Click Add to add the benefit line or Add Another to add another benefit line.

    The benefit line is highlighted in the Edit Benefits page. Enter forecast and actual benefit in the benefit line.

    • You can enter positive or negative amounts.
    • If you enter benefits in the Quarters view, benefit for a quarter is automatically apportioned equally among the months in that quarter.

      If you enter benefits in the Years view, benefit for a year is automatically apportioned equally among the months in that year and thereby equally among the quarters as well.

    • You can use keyboard shortcut to copy and paste benefit values if only forecast benefit is displayed.

      To copy the value in a cell to an adjacent range of cells in the same row:

      1. Click the cell with the value to copy.
      2. With the cursor positioned in the cell at the other end of the range of cells into which the value is to be copied, press SHIFT + click.

  4. Click Save or Done to save the benefit.

Copy from previous year

Click the Copy from Previous Year button if you want to copy only forecast benefit of the year before the one you are viewing.

If there are existing forecast benefit in the current year, it is overwritten by the forecast benefit of the previous year.

Actual benefit of the previous year is not copied. If there are existing actual benefit in the current fiscal year, it is not overwritten.

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Edit or remove benefit

You can change the benefit properties (such as type, category, expense type), change the benefit values, and delete the whole benefit lines.

To edit a benefit line:

  1. In the Benefit Details section, click Edit benefits.
  2. Locate the benefit line you want to edit, and do any of the following.

    Action How to
    Edit benefit values

    Update the numbers in the forecast and actual benefit cells.

    Edit benefit properties Click the edit icon to open the Edit a Benefit Line window and update the properties.
    Delete a benefit line

    Select the benefit line and click the delete icon.

    Lines with any non-zero actuals for any year do not display the delete icon and cannot be deleted.

  3. Click Save or Done in the Edit Benefits page to save your changes.