Create a financial data table

You can add a financial data table to a new request or an existing request wherever the financial data table has been configured.

Create a financial data table

If a request field that can have a financial data table does not have one, the text (No Financial Data) is displayed next to a Create button.

To create a financial data table:

  1. In the request, click Create next to the financial data field. (The field name may vary depending on the configuration.)

  2. In the Create Financial Data dialog box, complete the fields as described in the following table:

    Field (*Required)



    Name of the financial data table.


    Description of the financial data table.


    Region to be used for the financial data table.

    Track capital costs checkbox

    If selected, the financial data table distinguishes capital costs from operating costs.

    This option is available only when cost capitalization is enabled in the system level.

    For details, see Cost capitalization.

  3. Click Create.

    Creation of the financial data table is pending the submission or saving of the request.

    The Create button for the field changes to a Modify button, allowing you to change the fields you specified in step 2 before you submit or save the request.

  4. Click Submit or Save to submit or save the request.

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Copy a request or a proposal with a financial data table

When you copy a request that has a financial data table, either by using the Make a Copy button on the request or by virtue of an administrator's incorporation of the ksc_copy_request special command in a workflow, the following are copied to the new request:

  • All of the request's financial data tables.

  • The access control list, that is, the data in the Configure Access for Financial Data page.

  • Forecast costs and benefits in the financial data tables.

Actual costs and benefits and notes in the financial data tables are not copied to the new request.

The original request and the copied request are independently editable.

The same results occur for financial data tables in a proposal when you copy the proposal using its Make a Copy button. You can modify the financial data tables in one or more proposals and evaluate the proposals as alternatives to each other.

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