Manage regions

When a region is associated with an entity, the entity's local currency is the currency of the region. This section describes how to create and edit regions.

In this topic:

Create a region

To create a new region:

  1. From the menu bar, select Create > Administrative > Region.

    The Create a New Region page opens.

  2. Enter a Region Name and specify the Regional Calendar and Local Currency.

  3. To enable the region, select Yes for the Enabled option.

  4. Click Create.

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Modify an existing region

You can only modify an existing region in the session language that is the same as the definition language of the region. For details bout definition language, see the Multilingual User Interface Guide for more information.

To modify an existing region:

  1. From the menu bar, select Open > Administration > Regions > Browse Regions.

    The Manage Regions page opens.

  2. Click the target Region Name.

    The Edit Region page opens.

  3. Make the required changes.

    If you disable a region from further use, entities that currently use the region are not affected, but the region will not be available for use for new or existing entities going forward.

  4. Click Done.

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Entities that can be associated with regions

Depending on what region an entity is associated with, a different local currency may be used to display its cost data. The following entities can have regions specified:

  • Proposals, projects, and assets (lifecycle entities)

  • Project templates
  • Work plan templates

  • Teams
  • Resources

    Resources can either inherit their regions from the primary organization units to which they belong, or they can have a region specified directly.

  • Organization units

  • Staffing profiles

  • Resource pools

  • Staffing profile positions (Available in PPM 10.0.3 and later versions)

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