Calculating Financial Management Data

This section describes additional information about calculating Financial Management data items.

For more information about calculating Financial Management data, see .

Cost Performance Index (CPI)

CPI is calculated as follows:

  • If EV is null, CPI is null

  • If Actual Cost != 0, CPI = EV / Actual Cost

  • If Actual Cost = 0, and

    • If EV = 0, CPI = 1

    • If EV != 0, CPI = 0

Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

SPI is calculated as follows:

  • If EV is null, SPI is null

  • If PV != 0, SPI = EV / PV

  • If PV = 0, and

    • If EV = 0, SPI = 1

    • If EV != 0, SPI = 0

Earned Value (EV)

If a task is the summary task, its EV is calculated as Sum (EV of all its child tasks).

If a task is the leaf task, its EV is calculated as follows:

  • If there is no task baseline, EV is null

  • If the EV_ALLOW_PRORATING server configuration parameter is set to true, EV = Baseline Cost * % Complete

  • If the EV_ALLOW_PRORATING server configuration parameter is set to false, and

    • If % Complete = 100, EV = Baseline Cost

    • If % Complete < 100, EV = 0

Planned Value (PV)

Calculating Schedule Start and Schedule Finish Dates

If the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES server configuration parameter is set to true and task baseline exists,

  • Schedule start is the schedule start date of the task baseline

  • Schedule finish is the schedule finish date of the task baseline


  • Schedule start is the schedule start date of the task

  • Schedule finish is the schedule finish date of the task

Calculating PV

For all tasks,

  • If there is no task baseline, PV is null.

  • If task baseline exists, in one of the following cases, PV = 0:

    • The task status is cancelled, or

    • The schedule start date of the task is null, or

    • Schedule start is later than the current system date

If a task is the summary task, its PV is calculated as Sum (PV of all its child tasks).

For leaf tasks, if task baseline exists and

  • If schedule end is earlier than the current system date, PV = Baseline Cost

  • Otherwise, PV = Baseline Cost * (passed days / total days)

    In this formula, passed days is calculated as follows:

    • If schedule start is the current system date, passed days = 1.

    • If the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES server configuration parameter is set to true, passed days = Today's Date - Baseline Start Date]

    • Otherwise, passed days = Today’s Date - Start Date

    Total days is calculated as follows:

    • If the PV_USE_ACTIVE_BASELINE_DATES server configuration parameter is set to true, total days = Baseline Finish Date - Baseline Start Date

    • Otherwise, total days = Finish Date - Start Date