Backlog Layout Settings

When you open a portfolio, the Backlog tab listens to the layout settings to control the data display.

What backlog layout settings include

The layout settings are used to control the following:

  • Which view is used
  • Displayed columns
  • Column width
  • Column sequence
  • Group-by fields
  • Filters
  • Sorting

Default view

Every portfolio backlog has its default view, it is set by the portfolio manager if the override is allowed, or is inherited from the portfolio type where the portfolio belongs if the override is not allowed. It is added automatically as a favorite view with the name Default.

Personal favorite views

You can add your personal favorite views. The favorite views you added or removed in one portfolio are added or removed accordingly in all the other portfolios that you can view.

You can only view and apply the favorite views that are added by you.

Add favorite views
  1. In the top-right corner of the Backlog tab, click the Favorites icon ().
  2. Click Add Favorite View, give the view a unique name, and click Save.
Remove favorite views
  1. In the top-right corner of the Backlog tab, click the Favorites icon ().
  2. Click Manage Views, click the delete icon for target favorite views, and click Save.

    You cannot remove the system default view.

Update existing favorite views Not supported. You can remove an existing favorite view and then add a new one.
Apply a favorite view Click Favorites and select the target favorite view.

How PPM picks view settings for portfolios

If you open a portfolio for the first time, the portfolio backlog applies the default settings.

If you then go to another portfolio of the same portfolio type using the same browser, that portfolio backlog applies the same settings as they are in the last portfolio you left.

If you then go to another portfolio of a different portfolio type using the same browser, that portfolio backlog applies its default settings.