Portfolio Hierarchy

Each portfolio may have its parent portfolio and child portfolios. All the portfolios in the system build up a portfolio hierarchy.

Portfolio hierarchy occurrences

Portfolio hierarchy is displayed in the following:

Where Which portfolios you can see
The Name column of the All Portfolios page

The set of portfolios you see in this page is based on your access grant.

For details, see Who can view what in portfolio hierarchy.

The Name column of the My Portfolios page, Table view You can see and open all your portfolios that are displayed in a hierarchy in this page.
The left pane of the portfolio details page

You can see or/and open the subportfolios of the current portfolio, depending on your access grant.

For details, see Who can view what in portfolio hierarchy.

Portfolio hierarchy in All Portfolios page

Portfolio hierarchy in portfolio details page

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Who can view what in portfolio hierarchy

The set of portfolios you see in the hierarchy is based on your access grant and your designation as a portfolio manager of particular portfolios.

Who What you can do
  • Have the View All Portfolios access grant, or
  • Have the Edit All Portfolio access grant, or
  • Is the portfolio manager of all the portfolios
  • See and open all the portfolios in the system.
  • Have the access to view a particular portfolio, or
  • Have the access to edit a particular portfolio, or
  • Is the portfolio manager of a particular portfolio
  • See and open the particular portfolio.
  • See the immediate subportfolios of the portfolio, including their portfolio managers and financial information, but cannot open the subportfolios unless you have the view or edit access to them.

    For details, see View financial information in All Portfolios page.

  • See the entire path of portfolios up to and including a root, but cannot see their portfolio managers or financial information unless you have the view or edit access to them.

Example: Barbara Tan is the portfolio manager of the portfolio Grandchild 1, and has no access to view the other portfolios. What she can see in the portfolio hierarchy is as follows.

  • She can see and open her portfolio: Grandchild 1.
  • She can see the subportfolio of Grandchild 1, including the portfolio manager and financial information.
  • She can see the portfolios in the hierarchy from Grandchild 1 up to its root, but cannot see their portfolio managers or financial information.

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View financial information in All Portfolios page

This page shows Forecast Cost, Actual Cost, and Approved Budget for the following portfolios:

  • The portfolios you can open.
  • The immediate subportfolios of the portfolios that you can open.

For each portfolio in the hierarchy, amounts shown for Forecast Cost, Actual Cost, and Approved Budget are:

  • Totals for the current fiscal year.
  • The sum of all of the direct items (programs, projects, proposals, or assets) in the portfolio and all of the items in its subportfolios, regardless of whether you can see all the subportfolios in the hierarchy.

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