Program Management
This section introduces the overall process of program management.
In this topic:
A program is a collection of related investments managed in a coordinated manner to yield advantages that would be inaccessible if they are managed separately.
PPM Program Management enables you to:
- As a program manager, create and manage a program to group and govern related projects, proposals, and assets.
- As a PMO, use program types to standardize the management of different types of programs in the organization.
Suggested workflows
The following diagram demonstrates the suggested workflows for program management.
As a PMO
As a program manager
Entity relationship diagrams
A program can include projects, proposals, and assets and can also be part of a portfolio. The following diagram illustrates the supported relationships among portfolios, programs, projects, proposals, and assets.
The financial data of program contents are rolled up to the program, and the program financial data is rolled up to the portfolio. To avoid duplicate calculation of financial data, PPM implements some restriction in adding projects, proposals, and assets to a program or portfolio. For details, see Portfolio Management policy.
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