View program cost data

If a program has enabled financial management, the Cost tab is available in the Program Overview page, displaying the program-related cost details.

Program cost

This section contains two tables:

  • The first one displays program cost, including forecast labor and non-labor cost, total forecast cost, actual labor and non-labor cost, total actual cost.

    If cost capitalization is enabled, these costs divided into Capital Cost Forecast and Operating Cost Forecast.

    To view details of these cost, click the program financial summary link above the table.

  • The second table displays the cost data of each program content, including:

    Cost health Applicable only to the projects that enable tracking cost health.
    Projected cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital projected cost and operating projected cost, displayed in the Capex Projected Cost and Opex Projected Cost columns respectively.

    Forecast labor cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital forecast labor cost and operating forecast labor cost, displayed in the Forecast Capex Labor and Forecast Opex Labor columns respectively.

    Forecast non-labor cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital forecast non-labor cost and operating forecast non-labor cost, displayed in the Forecast Capex Non-Labor and Forecast Opex Non-Labor columns respectively.

    Total forecast cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital total forecast cost and operating total forecast cost, displayed in the Forecast Capex Total and Forecast Opex Total columns respectively.

    Actual labor cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital actual labor cost and operating actual labor cost, displayed in the Actual Capex Labor and Actual Opex Labor columns respectively.

    Actual non-labor cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital actual non-labor cost and operating actual non-labor cost, displayed in the Actual Capex Non-Labor and Actual Opex Non-Labor columns respectively.

    Total actual cost

    If cost capitalization is enabled, this cost is divided into capital total actual cost and operating total actual cost, displayed in the Actual Capex Total and Actual Opex Total columns respectively.

    Approved budget

    If cost capitalization is enabled, approved budget is divided into capital budget and operating budget, displayed in the Approved Capex Budget and Approved Opex Budget columns respectively.

    Forecast benefit  
    Actual benefit  

Viewing program cost and program contents cost by fiscal year

The filter View financial information in works for both tables in the Program Cost section. You use this filter to view program cost data and program contents cost data by fiscal year.

Earned value analysis

  • Analyze cumulative cost metrics for a project

    Selecting a project in the list and clicking Project EV Analysis, you open the Analyze Cumulative Cost Metrics page for the project where you can evaluate a project's performance in terms of different cost variables over time.

  • Analyze current cost metrics for projects

    Clicking Generate Cost Metrics Chart, you see the cost metrics chart.

    Clicking the Analyze button at the bottom of the chart, you open the Analyze Current Cost Metrics page where you can compare sizes and cost health of one or more projects included in the program.

For detailed information about analyzing cumulative cost metrics and current cost metrics, see Analyze project costs.