Hybrid Project Policy

The Hybrid Project policy determines:

  • whether or not to set the project as a hybrid project.

  • whether actual cost and actual effort from external tasks are rolled up to the linked tasks.

Option Description
Set the current project as a hybrid project

When the project becomes a hybrid project, tasks in the project can be linked with:

  • another project from within PPM
  • an agile project from an agile management system

Such projects become external leaf tasks of the linked project tasks.

Roll up actual cost/actual effort from external tasks

Only enabled when the Set the current project as hybrid project option is selected.

If you select this option, actual effort and actual cost of external tasks are rolled up to the linked tasks.

If you clear this option, actual effort and actual cost of external tasks are not rolled up to the linked tasks.

Important: If a project of the project type already has its task linked with another project, you cannot configure the Hybrid Project policy of the project type, unless such links in all the projects of the project type are removed.