Working with Projects Using Microsoft Enterprise Project Management

When working with a Microsoft enterprise project, consider the following:

Table 10-13. Opening an Integrated Enterprise Project When Connected and Not Connected to the Microsoft Project Server

Connected to Microsoft Project Server

Not Connected to Microsoft Project Server

Open an Integrated Microsoft Enterprise Project from PPM

The integrated Microsoft enterprise project opens. Enterprise and local resource mapping is retained.

The integrated Microsoft enterprise project cannot be opened. A new local copy of an enterprise project may be created.

Open an Integrated     PPM Project from Microsoft Project

You have the option to do the following:

  • The integrated PPM project can be opened. Enterprise and local resource mapping is retained.

  • A new Microsoft enterprise project can be created. PPM resources are mapped to local resources. If there are conflicts between enterprise and local resources, you are prompted to replace or rename the local resources.

A new local Microsoft enterprise project can be created. PPM resources are mapped to Microsoft local resources.

Using Multiple Microsoft Project Server Instances

If you are using multiple instances of Microsoft Project Server with a single instance of PPM, you must uniquely identify Microsoft enterprise resources across all Microsoft Project Server instances.

In Microsoft Project Server, the ID assigned to an enterprise resource on one instance may be assigned to another enterprise resource on another instance. That is, the same ID may be used among multiple Microsoft Project Server instances. You must use an enterprise custom field of type text (that is not a field ID) to uniquely identify each enterprise resource.

Note: Microsoft Project Server 2003 and Microsoft Project Server 2007 support different enterprise custom fields. In Microsoft Project Server 2003, you can only use the existing enterprise custom fields (for example, EnterpriseText1). In Microsoft Project Server 2007, you may create new enterprise custom fields.

On the PPM Server, add the parameter MSPS_RESOURCE_CUSTOM_FIELD to the server.conf file. This parameter must be set to the name the Microsoft Project Server enterprise custom field used to uniquely identify the enterprise resource. See the Installation and Administration Guide for information on editing the server.conf file.