Create a resource pool

When you create a resource pool, a team with the same name is created automatically. All your updates to the resource pool are reflected in the team.

Note: To create a team automatically when a resource pool is created, you need to turn on the Creating a resource pool automatically creates a team feature toggle.

Create a resource pool

Create a resource pool.

To create a resource pool:

  1. From the PPM menu, select Create > Administrative > Resource Pool to open the Create a New Resource Pool page.

  2. Complete the required fields and any optional fields.

    At this point, you need to specify:

    • Whether the resource pool is freestanding or associated with a primary organization unit, and if associated with an organization unit, indicate which one.

      If the ENFORCE_ORG_UNIT_FOR_RESOURCE_POOL_AND_TEAM parameter is set to true, you must associate a resource pool with an organization unit. For details, see Server parameters.

    • Whether the resource pool has a parent resource pool.

  3. Click Create.

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Manage resource pool capacity

Add resources or roles to a resource pool.

To manage resource pool capacity:

  1. On the resource pool page, click Manage Pool Capacity to open the Manage Pool Capacity page.

  2. Use the following options to specify the time period, period type, and effort type for the resource pool:

    • Show Pool for the Past/Next: specifies the time period the resource pool covers.

    • Show Resource Capacity In: specifies how time is divided, in years, quarters, months, or weeks. The options available for selection is controlled by your admin. For details, see Set time period views.

    • Show Totals In: specifies how resource capacity is measured, by FTE (full time equivalents), hours, or person days. The options available for selection is controlled by your admin. For details, see Set time period views.

  3. To add one or more resources to the resource pool:

    1. Click Add New Resource.
    2. Select one or more resources to add, specify the resource's start date in the resource pool, and then click Add.
    3. Repeat these steps to add more resources to the resource pool.

    Note: To maintain performance, if the number of resources included in a resource pool exceeds the RM_MAX_IN_POOL limit, certain functions are disabled. However, you can remove the excess resources to re-enable these functions.

  4. To add a role without specifying a resource to the resource pool, click Add Unnamed Headcount to specify a role and the required hours for the role, and then click Done.

    Note: If you modify the required hours of the same unnamed headcount in different time periods, the number of hours is slightly different under different period types.

  5. Manage resource participation in the resource pool. For details, see Adjust resource participation across resource pools.

  6. Click Done.

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Deactivate a resource pool

If a resource pool is not used or actively managed, you can deactivate it to prevent mistaken assignments to staffing profiles.

To deactivate a resource pool:

  1. From the menu bar, click Search > Administrative > Resource Pools to open the Search Resource Pools page.

  2. Provide search criteria in the appropriate fields and click Search.

  3. Open the resource pool you want to deactivate.

  4. Click More > Disable Resource Pool.

  5. Select to forward or reject all outstanding resource requests. If you forward all outstanding resource requests, select the resource pool to which to forward the requests.

  6. If the resource pool is set as the default for a staffing profile, project, or project type, additional fields display. You can then choose to replace it with a new default resource pool or remove it as the default, leaving the staffing profile, project, or project type without a default resource pool.

  7. Click Disable. The Status field of the resource pool changes to Disabled.

    Existing capacity and allocations of the resource pool remain active and are included in resource load and capacity calculations. You need to manually manage the existing capacity and allocations of a deactivated resource pool.

To reactivate a resource pool:

  1. Open a resource pool.

  2. Click More > Enable Resource Pool. The Status field of the resource pool changes to Enabled.

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See also: