Suitability Score calculation

The Suitability Score is a numeric value representing the resource's suitability for a resource request, based on their related skills, and availability. The higher this score, the better. The system computes suitability scores using the following values:

  • Availability Score. See Calculate availability score for more detailed information on how this score is computed.

  • Skill Score. See Calculate skill score for more detailed information on how this score is computed.

    The availability score and skill score are weighted according to the following formulae to produce the final suitability score:

    Availability Weight = 100 – Skill Weight

    Suitability Score = Availability Score * (Availability Weight%) + Skill Score * (Skill Weight%)

    You can change the skill weight by altering the RESOURCE_FINDER_SKILL_WEIGHT server.conf parameter. This parameter represents the weight given to the skill score in suitability score calculations for the Resource Finder. (Possible values: 0~100)

    Tip: The system computes the suitability score, availability score, and skill score for a resource only when both of the following conditions are true:

    • The resource has all the required skills you specify in the Resource Finder.

    • For each required skill, the skill proficiency of the resource meets or exceeds the minimum skill proficiency you specify in the Resource Finder.