Scenario 2: Unmet demand calculation when forecast demands and assignments use different calendars

In the following example, Project B requires application developers for three months from October 11 through December in EMEA Pool.

Wang Jian and Zhang Lan who are assigned to this position are currently in EMEA pool. Jian is using German calendar while Lan is using China calendar. Both of them have 100% of their time allocated to project B. Lan plans to take 11 days of vacation in November.

Figure B-3. Allocation Detail for Project B in FTEs View shows the allocation detail for project B in FTEs view

Figure B-3. Allocation Detail for Project B in FTEs View

Figure B-4. Allocation Detail for Project B in Hours View shows the allocation detail for project B in hours view

Figure B-4. Allocation Detail for Project B in Hours View

Table B-4. Example Unmet Demand Calculation for Project B shows the forecasts, assignments, and unmet demand calculations in different effort types.

Table B-4. Example Unmet Demand Calculation for Project B
  Oct. 11 Nov. 11 Dec. 11
FTE Hours FTE Hours FTE Hours
Application Developer
2.00 6*16*2=192.0 2.00 6*21*2=264.0 2.00 6*20*2=240.0
Jian Wang 1.00 6*16*1=96.0 1.00 6*21*1=132.0 1.00 6*20*1=120.0
Lan Zhang 96/10/21=0.46a 96.0b 110/10/22=0.50 10*(22-11)=110c 120/10/20=0.55 120.0
Unmet Demand 0.00 0.0 (132.0- 120.0)/6/ 22=0.17d 132.0-120.0=22.0 0.00 0.0

a.    Lan's assignment FTE = assignment hours/working hours in Lan's resource calendar China/working days in Lan' resource calendar China
b.    Lan's capacity in October is 210 hours, greater than the forecast hours (96 hours) required. So the assignment hours is 96.
c.    Lan's capacity in October is 110 hours, less than the forecast hours (132 hours) required. So the assignment hours is 110.
d.    The unmet demand on this position = unmet hours /working hours in EMEA/working days in EMEA.

Note: The forecast is calculated based on position resource pool associated region calendar. In this example, it is EMEA. Assignment Hours is calculated based on the assigned resource associated calendar and his/her personal working day setting. In this example, Lan Zhang is using China calendar and takes 11 days leave in November.

The position is using different calendars from the assigned resource. In this case, position related resource pool is using EMEA calendar that has six working hours per day and 16 working days in October while resource Lan is using China calendar that has ten working hours per day and 21 working days in October. This means working hours in one FTE on the position may differ form working hours in one FTE on the assigned resource. In this example, one FTE on the Application Developer only requires Lan 0.46 FTE to fulfill it. That is why the forecast demands is 2.00 FTEs and the assignment is 1.46 FTEs, but the unmet demand is 0.00 FTE.

PPM first compares the resource capacity with the forecast demand.

  • If resource capacity hrs > forecast hours required, Assignment (Hours) = forecast hours
  • If resource capacity hours < forecast hours required, Assignment (Hours) = resource capacity

Assignment (FTE) = assignment hours/working hours per day in resource calendar /working days in resource calendar

Unmet Demand (FTE) = (forecast hours - assignment hours)/working hours per day in position calendar/working days in position calendar