Staffing profile page

This topic describes the new UI of a staffing profile.

Gantt view and Table view

The staffing profile new UI includes Gantt view and Table view for the position table in the Allocations area.

The two views provide you with different ways of reading or editing allocations.

  • To view and edit the allocations in the form of Gantt chart, click the Gantt view button .
  • To view and edit the allocations in the form of table, click the Table view button .

Every time you open the new UI of staffing profile page, the allocations are displayed in the view that is set as the editable view. For details about editable view, see Specify editable view.

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Specify editable view

In the Staffing Profile new UI page, project managers or resource managers can select either the Gantt view or the Table view as the editable view. You can edit forecast demand and allocation only under the editable view. Once you set one view as the editable view, the other view becomes read-only. For example, if you set the Gantt view as the editable view, you can only edit forecast demand or allocation in the Gantt view.

To set the editable view for all staffing profiles in the system:

You can set the default editable view for all staffing profiles in the system by configuring the DEFAULT_STAFFING_EFFORT_EDIT_MODE parameter in the Administration Console. The value set for this parameter applies to all the staffing profiles in the system. However, project or resource managers can change the editable view for each individual staffing profile.

To set the editable view for an individual staffing profile:

  1. To set the editable view for a newly staffing profile page, open the Create a Blank Staffing Profile page.

    To set the editable view for an existing staffing profile page, click Change Header in the upper right corner of the target staffing profile page to open the Change Staffing Profile Header page.

  2. In the Edit effort in field, select Gantt View or Table View as the editable view.
  3. Click Create to create the staffing profile, or Done to save the change and close the Change Header page.

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Understand numbers for positions and resources

This section explains how the staffing profile page displays the numbers for positions and resources.

In Table view

Staffing profile element Details

For each position, staffing profile new UI displays the requested effort and unmet demand in the format of <Requested Effort> | <Unmet Demand>.

  • If the unmet demand is in orange, it means the position has demand unfulfilled.
  • If the unmet demand is in red, it means the position has more effort allocated to it than it requests. It is over-allocated.

For each resource assigned to a position, staffing profile new UI displays the allocated effort and remaining effort in the format of <Assigned Effort> | <Remaining Capacity.

  • If the remaining capacity is in orange, it means the resource has capacity left.
  • If the remaining capacity is in red, it means the resource is assigned more effort than his/her capacity.

In Gantt view

The Gantt chart displays the following information for the staffing profile:

  • Status of every position
  • Period and demanded effort of every position

    For each position, the number before the slash is the allocated effort while the number after the slash is the demanded effort.

  • Period, allocated effort, and remaining capacity of every resource

    For each resource, the number before the slash is the effort allocated to the position while the number after the slash is the resource's remaining capacity. If a resource's remaining capacity is a negative value, it means the resource is over-allocated.

    Note: When a resource is assigned to multiple positions in a staffing profile, editing the resource allocation in one position updates the resource's remaining capacity only for that position. To update the remaining capacity in other positions, refresh the page.

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See also: