Known issues

This section displays known issues and limitations when working with PPM.


The following table lists some common issues and possible solutions.

Issue Description
Login issues on a multilingual interface

After upgrading a PPM instance with a multilingual interface to version 24.1, the login page is locked after selecting a session language, preventing further progression.

Resolution: A hotfix is available. Contact support to obtain the hot fix.

For more information, see this article: KM000026809.

Error after login

Applicable to 24.1 only. After upgrading PPM to version 24.1, the following error may appear after login: "An unknown error has occurred".

Resolution: A hotfix is available. Contact support to obtain the hot fix.

For more information, see this article: KM000026984.

Excel reports

Applicable to 24.1 only. After the upgrade to version 24.1, a problem is encountered when generating Excel reports or generating data. The issue arises when utilizing an Excel template file that references database fields with non-lowercase names, for example, use PROJECT_NAME instead of project_name.

Resolution: A hotfix is available. Contact support to obtain the hot fix.

For more information, see this article: KM000027122.

Time sheet notifications

Applicable to 24.1 only. Fail to send time sheet notifications in PPM upgraded from earlier versions to 2023 and later versions.


  1. Stop all PPM nodes.
  2. Run the following update statement and then commit.

    Copy code
    update knta_services_nls
    set job_class = 'com.kintana.core.server.scheduler.EmailNotificationJob'
    where reference_code='_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE';
  3. Start all PPM nodes.
Oracle Database version 12.1

If you use Oracle Database version 12.1 with PPM 23.3 and later versions, PPM would fail to start.

Workaround: Before starting the PPM sever, copy the V1.27__alter_configuration_table.sql file to the <PPM_Home>/server/_common/deploy/pvo.war/WEB-INF/classes/db/oracle/migration directory.

Note: If you upgrade PPM from 23.3 to 23.4, 23.3 to 24.1, or 23.4 to 24.1, you need to copy the V1.27__alter_configuration_table.sql file each time after the upgrade.

Filter mapping in drilldown portlets

Applicable to 24.1 only. Drilldown portlets with filter mapping fields do not work, failing to resolve filter tokens and generating an error: "This drill-down cannot be displayed because one or more required preferences are missing. Please contact your dashboard administrator."

Resolution: A hotfix is available. Contact support to obtain the hot fix.

For more information, see this article: KM000027123.

Self-service portlets display no data on project and portfolio overviews

Applicable to 24.2 only. Self-service portlets configured with the grid view type fail to display any data on project and portfolio overviews.

Toggle to disable a personal landing page becomes invisible

Applicable to 24.2 only. The toggle to disable a personal landing page becomes invisible after setting the page as your personal desktop landing page. Despite its invisibility, the toggle remains functional.

Workaround: To stop using a page as a personal landing page, in the top menu, hover over the area to the right of the Add to My Links icon until the "Stop using this page as your personal landing page" tooltip appears, and then click to disable it.

Email notifications are not sent in JDK 11 environments

Applicable to 24.1 only. Email notifications are not sent in instances using JDK 11.

This impacts instances upgraded to version 24.1. Fresh install of version 24.1 and instances using other JDK versions are not affected.

Resolution: Remove the javax.mail.jar file in the lib/jboss/boot/ directory and then restart the server.


When this issue is resolved, all the pending email notifications will be sent out.

  • To check the number of pending email notifications, run the following SQL query:

    Copy code
    SELECT count(*)
      FROM knta_notif_txn_parents p
    where p.notification_sent_flag = 'N'
       and p.interval_id = 3
    order by p.notif_txn_parent_id asc
  • To stop sending these notifications, set the sent flag to Y:

    Copy code
    update knta_notif_txn_parents p set p.notification_sent_flag = 'Y'

    The Notification Cleanup Service automatically deletes these notifications after 7 days. This timeframe can be adjusted using the NOTIFICATIONS_CLEANUP_PERIOD server parameter.

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The following table lists the limitations for working with PPM.

Limitation Description
Portlets with required filters have values missing when exported

Applicable to 24.3 only. When exporting a drill-down page with multiple portlets to PDF, portlets that have required filter fields may have their values missing in the exported PDF.

Workaround: To export such portlets without error, display each portlet in the maximized view and then export the portlets individually.

Advanced Filter option not function on portlet Edit Preferences page

Applicable to 24.3 only. The Advanced Filter option does not function on the Edit Preferences page for Java portlets of the Requests category.

ALM Octane integration Applicable to 24.3 only. Unable to import effort from ALM Octane to PPM time sheets.

Bullet and numbered list formatting unavailable in staffing profile notes

Applicable to 24.2 only. When rich text format is enabled for notes, bullet and numbered list formatting is unavailable in staffing profile notes.

ALM integration

Applicable to 24.1 only. Unable to connect to SSO ALM HTTPS server for ALM integration.
Export the Analyze Assignment Load portlet If you export Analyze Assignment Load portlet data to Excel and select the following two options: display Total Assignment Values for Actual Effort, and include detailed data, the details from packages, programs, and miscellaneous are not exported to Excel, while their actual efforts are included in Actual Total Assignment. PPM plans to fix this issue in a future version.
Export Dashboard landing page If you click the product icon to go to the Dashboard landing page, and before you export the page to PDF, your landing page has already been changed, the PDF will display the contents of the new landing page instead of the page you want to export.
Create Staffing Profile Baseline dialog box goes outside screen

When creating a baseline for a staffing profile from the project summary page, if the page is long and you scroll the page to the very bottom to click the Baseline button, the Create Staffing Profile Baseline dialog box might be displayed beyond the screen. You can move this dialog box to the desired place on screen so that you can create the staffing profile baseline.

This issue occurs in the Chrome and Edge browsers.

Turkish locale

Fail to install PPM on the operating systems with the Turkish locale.

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