Monitoring Individual Survey Responses
After you send the invitations to the survey respondents, you can view the status of the survey registration and the completion percentage by respondent.
Open the survey registration entity.
From the menu bar, select Dashboard > Shared > APM Analyst > Front Page.
The Front Page PPM Dashboard page opens.
In the My Survey Requests portlet, click the name of the survey registration entity you want to view.
The APM - Survey Registration - <Request_Number> page opens.
Open the References > Requests section towards the bottom of the page.
Each respondent from whom a response was requested is listed as a separate survey by the survey request number (Req #). The list also includes the name of the survey respondent (Assigned User), the name of the survey (Description), the type of survey (Request Type), the status of the survey (Status), the percentage of the survey that has been completed (% Complete), the relationship of the survey request to the survey registration (Relationship), and the description of the survey registration with request numbers (Relationship Details).
From the list of surveys in the Requests section, you can do the following:
Click a request number to display a survey. If the respondent has saved answers to any of the questions, you can view the responses. While you can view a summary of rating responses in the Survey Results report (see Viewing the Survey Results Report), you can see a respondent's comments when you view the surveys individually.
Change the relationship between a survey and the survey registration to which it is related.