Entering Survey Response Data into the Application Entity
If you are satisfied with the response rate to the survey based on individual survey completion percentages or on the results shown in the Survey Results report, enter comments and notes from each survey into the Notes section of the application entity and enter the ratings data into the Ratings section of the application entity. For instructions, see:
Collecting and Entering Comments and Notes
To collect and enter comments and notes:
Open an application entity for which you generated a survey:
From the menu bar, select Open > Application Portfolio > Search Entities.
The Search Entities page opens.
In the Entities area, click Application.
The Search: APM - Application page opens.
Do one of the following:
In the View Details for Entity # field, type the entity number and click Go.
In the Search Information section, enter search criteria for the application and click Search. The Request Search Results page opens.
In the Application No column, click the number of the application for which you need more data.
The APM - Application - <Entity Number> page opens.
On the Request Search Results page, click the number assigned to the application entity to open it.
The APM - Application - <Entity Number> page opens.
In a window separate from the application entity, open the survey registration from which you sent the surveys:
From the menu bar, display the following path: Dashboard > Shared > APM Analyst > Front Page.
In the displayed path, right click Front Page and select Open in New Window from the menu that is displayed.
The Front Page PPM Dashboard page opens in a new window.
In the My Survey Requests portlet, click the name of the survey registration entity for which you want to collect and enter comments.
The APM - Survey Registration -<Request_Number> page opens.
In the References section towards the bottom of the page, open the Requests section.
Open the Comments section (a subsection of the details section) and the Notes section.
Copy any comments and notes from the survey to the Notes section of the application.
Tip: Instead of copying the comments and notes directly into the application entity, you can copy the comments and notes from one or all surveys to a file and attach the file as a reference to the application.
In the application entity, click Save.
Collecting and Entering Ratings Data
To collect and enter ratings data:
Open the Survey Results report for the application for which you want to collect ratings data.
From the menu bar, select Open > Reports > View Reports.
Enter search criteria to filter the number of reports returned by the search and click Search.
In the Report # column in the Search Results: Reports table, click the number of the report to open.
The selected report opens.
From the Survey Results report, determine how you want to calculate the aggregated values for each rating field. For example, you could average the values for each field or use the median value of each field.
Open the application entity for which you generated the Survey Results report and enter values in the rating fields.
From the menu bar, select Open > Application Portfolio > Search Entities.
In the Entities area, click Application.
Enter search criteria to filter the number of applications returned by the search and click Search.
In the Application No column in the Request Search Results table, click the number of the application entity for which you want to enter ratings data.
In the application entity, go to the Rating section, enter the calculated values from step 2.
Click Save.