Entity Coverage Summary Report

The Entity Coverage Summary report provides a summary of attributes and completeness of data entry provided for an entity.

Report Parameters

Use the filter fields in the Report Parameters section to define the results of your report. You can choose to display a report for a selected entity type or for an application set. The threshold filters color-code how often a field is completed by the data coverage percentage (for example, for applications, the Version field may be completed 80% of the time). Use the color coding to visually distinguish the acceptable, borderline, and unacceptable completeness of data coverage.

Table C-1. Entity Coverage Summary report filter fields

Filter Field (*Required)


*Entity Type

Select the type of entity for which to generate a report. If you want to limit the report to applications in a specific application set, select Application and enter the name of the application set in the Application Set field.

Application Set

Enter the name of the application set for which to generate a report. This field is available only when you select Application as the Entity Type.

*High Threshold

Default: 80%. Denotes the fields that have the most complete data coverage. That is, the percentage of data entered for this field is at or above the threshold. In addition to displaying the percentage completed, the cell is color-coded in green.

*Medium Threshold

Default: 50%. Denotes the fields that have fairly complete data coverage. That is, the percentage of data entered for this field is at or above the threshold but below the high threshold. In addition to displaying the percentage completed, the cell is color-coded in yellow.

*Low Threshold

Default: 0%. Denotes the fields that have the least complete data coverage. That is, the percentage of data entered for this field is at or above the threshold but below the medium threshold. In addition to displaying the percentage completed, the cell is color-coded in red.

Analyzing the Entity Coverage Summary Report

The Entity Coverage Summary report provides a snapshot of the completeness of information provided for an entity. It shows the fields in the selected entity type, the number of times the fields were completed (Count), the percentage of times the field was filled in, and, when field data is measurable, the lowest value, highest value, and the average value for the field.

Use the Entity Coverage Summary report to:

  • Determine if enough data is provided for the entity. At the bottom of the report, the grand total summarizes the total number of fields and the percentage of fields that were filled in.

  • Determine the information that is provided most often for the entity. Where information is lacking, you could send an email to the entity owner asking the owner to provide more data.

  • Determine threshold values for fields where statistical information is available.