APM Roles
The primary APM roles—user, analyst, and administrator—are described in this section.
Note: Besides being one of the APM roles, the term "user" is also used generically in this guide to refer to APM users of any role.
User. The most basic user of APM. Users perform tasks such as creating application entities, managing the applications they own, and responding to surveys and supplying information for applications when requested to do so by the analyst and other users (as a proxy). Authorized users can view and edit some or all of the financial summary for an application entity or transformation proposal. For more information about the APM user role, see the The Role of the User.
Analyst. The most active user of APM. The analyst performs many tasks, including collecting and analyzing data about the organization and its application portfolio. The analyst also conducts surveys, creates entities, imports and exports entity data using the PPM Data Migrator for Microsoft Excel (Data Migrator), creates portlets, and analyzes applications using application sets, portlets, reports, graphing, and entity groupings. The analyst can also typically perform all the duties of a user. For more information about the role of the analyst, see the Application Portfolio Management Analyst's Guide.
Administrator. The most advanced user of APM. The administrator has all the abilities of an analyst and user but is typically involved with supporting the analyst in achieving the analyst's goals. The administrator installs, sets up, and maintains APM, defines users, customizes fields and validations for entities, and can create customized entities, data sources, portlet definitions, workflows, validations, report types, and security groups. For more information about the APM administrator, see the Application Portfolio Management Administrator's Guide.