Responding to Requests for Application Information
If information about an application is missing, an APM analyst might ask you to supply it. Users asked to supply additional information about applications are called respondents. As a respondent, you can view and edit information in all sections of an application.
When you are a respondent, the following occurs:
An automated email message is sent to you containing a link to the application for which you need to provide information. This message also contains instructions or notes about the information that you need to provide.
The application and any notes or special instructions from the analyst are listed in the Applications Requiring My Input portlet on your PPM Dashboard. For information about this portlet, see Table B-1. Shared portlets on the Front Page PPM Dashboard page.
Accessing an Application in Need of Additional Information
To access an application for which you have been asked to provide information, do one of the following:
In the email message that asks you to provide information about the application, click the link to the application.
Note: You must be logged on to PPM to display the application.
In the Applications Requiring My Input portlet on the PPM Dashboard, click the link to the application.
Responding to a Request for Additional Information
To respond to a request for additional information about an application:
Open the application using one of the methods described in Accessing an Application in Need of Additional Information .
Click Expand All to open all of the sections.
Scroll to the Respondent Notes field in the Contacts section to view instructions about the information you need to provide.
Tip: If you are not able to provide all of the requested information now, you can click Save at any time to save your entries and return later to finish responding.
Complete the requested fields and add comments, if necessary. For descriptions of the fields, see the online help and Managing Application Entities.
When you are finished, return to the top of the survey and click Completed.
The application is displayed.